Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Alright, alright, alright!

Now for the update on my newly found momdom. Because Peanut is a foster child, I can't give her real name here, or unfortunately post a picture, but lemme just tell ya, she is as cute as a bug in a rug. And a huge ball of energy. From the moment she gets up she goes. And she just keeps on going all the way until we put her down. And then she sometimes even keeps going. She's like the Energizer bunny! Thankfully until this weekend she was sleeping through the night. I'm hoping that trend will reinstate itself when she starts feeling better, and I hope she starts feeling better soon. And can we not have her bring another germy bug home from daycare?! All three of us have sore throats, congestion, fevers, and coughs. She also has what another blog-mom has coined "assplosions". I'll leave the details of that up to your imagination. Right now I'm getting a couple extra hours in at my old job while K and Peanut are at home - hopefully both sleeping and getting well. I will soon go home and sleep again, ah, blissfull sleep...

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